218th Military Police Company in Vietnam
More Downtime
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Copyright 2008-2013, The 218th Military Police Co in Vietnam, all rights to reproduction in whole or in part without express written consent is prohibited.
Above: Pyramid at the beach, Top Mike Kneeland; 2d Row (L to R) Andrew Robinson, Gary Oliver; 3d Row (L to R) Tom Ault, Paul Ewing, Kurt Stroback; Bottom Row (L to R) Joe Paylor, Jack Inazzuizi, Jimmy Braden, Jeff Watts. Nha Trang, '71.
<Left: Stephen "Boog" Powell giving Mamasan a break, May '70.
Above: Kurt Stroback, 218th MP Co area, '71.
Some of the residents of Hon Tre Island, '71.
Happy about something (DEROS?), Ray Carpenter, Camp McDermott, '68.
Right: Terry Adamson (L) & Paul Concowich, '67 or '68.