218th MP Co Letters (Crowell)
Hi Dick,
It was great talking to you too after 40 years. Thanks for the pictures, and the update. By the way it sure looks like pretty country in Wyoming. I guess you and your family spend a lot of time outdoors.
I am sending you some pictures, but I don't know the names of any of the guys. The MP holding the basketball with me I remember he is from Kentucky. I looked over the names on your spread sheet and I can't remember any of their names.
After you left I went to the 981st MP Co(sentry dogs) in Cam Rahn, after a few weeks of training I went to the 981st MP Co. north of Tuy Hoa. It was some hole in the wall place but I can't remember the camp name. I went home on emergency leave, came back and I was sent back to the 218th but I had to go up to Vung Ro Bay. It was a PBR detachment of the 218th. I was there for a while and then I went to the 630th MP Co in Cam Rahn Bay. Then I got discharged and I came home. Met alot of guys, maybe thats why it's hard to remember all the names.
If you talk with anyone who was at Vung Ro Bay ask them if they were there when we confiscated the pallet of beer that the transportation Co. Left on the beach, when they broke the pallet trying to unload it.
We formed a human assembly line from the water to the hootch where we lived and hid about 300 cases of beer under the quanset hut. That was the drink of the day 24-7. I think I killed alot of brain cells during that time. By the way there was no 218 MP Co in Cam Rahn Bay. There was only the 630th and the 981st(SD).
I do hope this letter finds you in good health.
An old friend from the past,
Thomas H. Crowell
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