The term "downtown" generally referred to anywhere off base which meant anything from a large city like Saigon or Nha Trang near large military bases, to a village outside smaller compounds where some detachments were located. All were densely populated as the Vietnamese felt more secure near any US military installation.
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Clockwise from Left to Top: Many popular forms of transportation for the Vietnamese people and even the ocassional GI. Top and Right: View along beach road leaving Camp McDermott, early morning along Beach Road, a temple entrance, local national workers arrive at Camp McDermott. In the countryside few had any means of transportation except by walking.
Right: View of Nha Trang looking down from road to Buddah. Center: Vietnamese girl in front of an above average house. Bottom: Vietnamese boy outside typical lean- to huts that served as "home" to many.
Right: Papa-san drives an Ox-cart through town. This type cart was not uncommon for farmers. Water buffalo plowed the rice paddies and pulled the cart.>
Street vendors sold everything from fresh fruit to soup.The blackmarket flourished alongside small legitimate and illegitimate businesses. With all able bodied men in military or government service, every business depended upon children like this tire shop. Only the fortunate few were in school at this age.
Below: The site of a 1969 Nha Trang visit by the Vietnamese President Nguyn Kao Ky.