218th Military Police Company in Vietnam
Convoy Duty
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Copyright 2008-2013, The 218th Military Police Co in Vietnam, all rights to reproduction in whole or in part without express written consent is prohibited.
The mission of the 218th MP Co included convoy escort security.
Photo below is the 218th MP Co gun jeep which PFC John Nagy was driving while on convoy escort, Mar 21,1968. PFC Nagy, East St Louis, IL was one of the 218th KIA when a mine was detonated under the jeep.
Escorts remain vigilant during a stop along the route.
Convoy escorts seldom had this level of protection.
Above, (L) unidentified survivor describes the incident for other members of the 218th MP Co.
Does anyone recall the name of this little guy, a local orphan who often rode with 218th convoys and more than once warned of VC activity?
Above: SGT Dick Reiter and an Unknown MP on break during a '68 convoy escort.
< Left: Sudal and other(s) were WIA when an RPG struck this 218th MP Co gun jeep on convoy escort out of CRB, '69.
Above: Convoy escort break 1968. Note the vertical bar welded to the front of these jeeps for cutting wire which was sometimes strung across the road to decapitate the vehicle's occupants.
CPT Jim Blankenship and Jack Teatsorth on convoy escort 1968.
Unidentified 218th MPs on convoy escort with ARVN counterparts, Apr 1968.
Above, Bruce Raught on convoy escort duty, '68.
Above Convoy preparing to depart from Tuy Hoa, '68.
Above 218th MP's waiting on a convoy to form up '67.