218th Military Police Company in Vietnam
More MP Duty
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Copyright 2008-2013, The 218th Military Police Co in Vietnam, all rights to reproduction in whole or in part without express written consent is prohibited.
<Left, Alan Brannon, on patrol Ban Me Thuot, '70.
Right: Frank Francis with SGT Lim, ROK MP, '70.>
Right: SGT George King ready for duty, Nha Trang, '69.>
Above: Irvin Wilhite on combined patrol with QC Phan Dinh Hanh, Nha Trang, '69 or '70.
Above, Tom Simmons on patrol overlooking Nha Trang, '68
Above: Gate 2, Camp McDermott, (L) Donald (Hawk) Hoffman, (C) Ron (Beetle) Bailey, (R) Unk '70.
<Left: Tony Brandys on patrol duty, Nha Trang, '68.
Above: PFC Brandle, 218th MP Co discusses paperwork with CPT R.C. Jones, 124th Transportation Co at the entrance gate to South Beach, (CRB Port). TRADOC file photo.
Right: Jimmy Ritter prepares for patrol at Nha Trang, '68.>
Above: Ernie Rich on patrol Nha Trang, '68.
Above: LT Glenn Burt, 218th MP Co in a meeting with the PMG of Vietnam, '71.
Above: Patrick Kelly in front of the former holiday retreat of the last Vietnamese emperor King Bao Doi located south of Nha Trang overlooking the South China Sea, '71.