218th Military Police Company in Vietnam
More Duty
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Copyright 2008-2013, The 218th Military Police Co in Vietnam, all rights to reproduction in whole or in part without express written consent is prohibited.
On Duty meant many things, all contributed to the overall mission.
Above: Foreground, Roger Merilatt, Co Clerk, HHD, 16th MP Group, Background Russell Jenkins, Commo, Nha Trang, Fall '66. The 218th MP Co would become part of the 16th MP Group. Roger submitted several of the early Nha Trang Photos like the one Below Center of Beach Road.
Above, Sandy Lesnick ready for patrol duty outside 218th MP Co barracks, '68.
< Left, Tom Simmons on combined patrol with local VN Police, downtown Nha Trang, '68.
Above, Guard Mount, Camp McDermott, Jun 19, '68, Unks except 4th from left Osie Buffkin readies for inspection. Note the variety of insignia on helmets.
Above, Left Front SFC Arnold, LT and others Unknown, Prepare for convoy escort duty '68.
Above: John Scott and mascot "Cookie" prepare a report at MP Investigations, Nha Trang, '68.
Above: Jimmy Ritter, Camp McDermott, '68.
Above: Break time for Teddy White, '68.
Above: Dick Reiter receives the Army Commendation Medal.
Below: The ARCOM was awarded to Stan Heslep 3rd from L, Dick Reiter and Dan Keller 5th from L, in this ceremony, Camp McDermott '68.