218th Military Police Company in Vietnam
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Copyright 2008-2013, The 218th Military Police Co in Vietnam, all rights to reproduction in whole or in part without express written consent is prohibited.
Left to Right: Dalat Airport Lounge and Snack Bar; MP villa; Richard Corser; far Right Sentry Dog kennels Lang Bein Mtn in background, '67. The MP villa that also served as the MP Station was nearly destroyed during Tet, '68. Richard Corser, pictured here in 2010 and several other 218th MPs were WIA during the Tet attack.
The 218th MP Co. was the largest single military police company in Vietnam with five platoons. The unit was often spread among several small detachments where operations sometimes differed depending on need of the supported units in the area.
Above: The MACV compund at BMT ('67) was centered around a huge hunting lodge (L above) where Teddy Roosevelt stayed when he would come to what was then French Indochina to hunt tigers and other wild game. BMT was the destination of many convoys from CRB which the 218th MP Co escorted. The 218th MP Co's BMT Detachment was established when the unit first arrived in Vietnam. During Tet, '68 Ban Me Thuot came under heavy attack. (Det area Center above) In '68 - 69 the MPs were billeted in the former stables of the hunting lodge. Between '67 - '70 the 218th MP Co maintained a detachment in BMT at times alternating the mission with the 504th MP Bn. The compound was completely destroyed by fire in '69 and the 218th MP Co relocated to the Coryvell (Aviation) compound at the edge of town in early '70. The BMT airport was taken over by the 1/17th Air Cav in '69, many 218th MPs were awarded the Air Medal for flying recon missions with this unit.
Ban Me Thuot
Above: Larry Delach, 66th MP Co with captured Viet Cong flag, LZ Uplift, '69. Larry was later assigned to the 218th MP Co.
Right: Two Unknown with James Berlin>; Below: Berlin with unorthodox looking weapon; Below Right: Unknown MP; BMT, '70.
Above: SGT Ed Huguenin, NCOIC BMT Det (wearing MAJ insignia), we're told Kelly and Huguenin have a great story about this photo, '71.
218th MP Co V-100s RON at Bam Me Thuot, '71.
Our roster shows many members from the Phan Rang Detachment as well as Quang Tri. If you have any photographs from either of these detachments please consider sharing them here.