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Copyright 2008-2013, The 218th Military Police Co in Vietnam, all rights to reproduction in whole or in part without express written consent is prohibited.
Above: Tom Simmons, first day in Nha Trang, 5/68.
Top & Left: ambulance on standby and shaded picnic tables at the Special Services Beach at Nha Trang, '68 - 69. Above unknown group of 218th members. Above Right: Foreground Greg Wilson with Dave Morisette in the rear, '68.
Jim Ritter took these pictures on the beach at Nha Trang, '68. Right, beach goers are under the landing pattern at nearby Nha Trang airbase.
Above Left: Jim Ritter (L rear) and others from the 218th on R & R in Kuala Lumpur, a popular R & R destination. Above Right: Jim does the all important planning, plotting the trip from Vietnam to Malaysia, '68.
Above: R to L Greg Wilson, Scotty and others enjoying a few cool ones. Right: Jainway (?) lines up a "shot." >
Other popular in-country off duty activities were sports like the ball game above, or some downtime in an on base service club, '68.
Above: Steven J. Woodcock at the Theater waiting to see the Green Berets, '68.
Above: Any declaration of a special occasion was grounds for a party.
Off Duty Continued - Click "Next" below.
Right: L to R Paul Ewing and Tom Ault outside 218th Orderly Room, Nha Trang, '71.>