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Copyright 2008-2013, The 218th Military Police Co in Vietnam, all rights to reproduction in whole or in part without express written consent is prohibited.
C.L. Thames & Tom Crowell outside the barracks, Camp McDermott, '68.
Craig Duntan (L) and unks hanging out in the barracks, Camp McDermott, '68.
'Red' Burnett "just looking at the pictures", '68.
Ernie Rich (foreground) & John Coffman (standing) with a seemingly always present basketball, '68.
Dick Reiter (L) & Jerry Camilleri, Camp McDermott, '68.
Party time, Bruce Raught (L) & Ken Gasiewski (R) foreground, Mark Meltzer(?) (C) background ' 68.
Dale Herpel (L) & Louis Lempesis, Camp McDermott, '68.
Downtime was a good time for catching up on news from home or discussing the days events, Laurence Gerard (foreground) and unknowns, Camp McDermott, '68.
SFC Arnold gets a wake up call, Camp McDemott, '68.
George King in the "NCO hootch" he built, '69.
W.O. Buffkin at the MPI billets, '69.
Walt Stevens in Tuy Hoa, '68.
Unknown returning from the shower house at McDermott which was constructed in '68. Always a popular place when coming off the road.