218th Military Police Company in Vietnam
MPs of Camp McDermott
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Copyright 2008-2013, The 218th Military Police Co in Vietnam, all rights to reproduction in whole or in part without express written consent is prohibited.
Above, Guard mount at Camp McDermott, '68.
Right Photo (L to R), Unk, Dave Morisette, Unk, Larry Vanderslik, Drew Sowards, John Coffman, CRB enroute to Camp McDermott, May 8, '68.>
Above, Thomas Crowell and John Coffman discussing sports, '68.
Ron Bowman in Saigon to represent the 218th MP Co at the Brigade Change of Command ceremonies, Aug '68.
Above (L to R) John Coffman, Dewey Arnold, and Myers, Dec 28, '68.
Dewey Smith, Aug '68.
Below (L to R) Dewey Arnold, John Coffman, and Tom Crowell, Dec 28, '68.
Above, (L to R) Unknown & John Doelker, '68 or '69.
<Left, from L to R: Ernie Rich, Mark Meltzer, Vernon Sauer, and Sandy Lesnick. Nha Trang, '68. Apparently they're out to mug Vernon.
<Left, Sandy Lesnick in "casual" attire outside 218th MP Co barracks, '68.
Above: Unknown LT and CO, CPT Jim Blankenship, '68.