218th MP Co Letters (Walrath)
   I just ran across your web site this week. Great job. Please add me to the roster-

   I was in the 218th from late Nov, 68 to late Sept, 69. For 6 or 7 weeks before that, I was in the 4th MP Co in Pleiku. For about half the time in Nha Trang, I was Operations Officer in the PMO working for Col Rimbach. What a great guy he was. Sorry to learn he passed away. You and I were in NT at the same time, at least part of the time. I'm sorry to admit I don't remember you. The same could maybe/probably be said for you about me. I sure don't blame you if you don't.
I can't commit now, but I am very interested in the reunion in Sept. I hope to make it. Is it stag, or with wives, girlfriends, etc?

   My rank was 1st Lt. Feel free to use it if it helps identify me, or don't. That is up to you. Do you remember Lt Calvin Burch, from Alabama? He went to Auburn. He was in NT for awhile, then was sent to a detachment. I don't remember where. I hope he signs up at some point. I'd love to see him again.

   I'll send you a check soon to help defray expenses. It won't be alot, but I hope it helps some.

   Keep up the great work. I'm impressed.

    All the Best-

   Steve Walrath
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